Lent-ish: A 40 Day Devotional

I’m so glad that you have joined the journey.  In this lenten season, it is my hope that together we will laugh, think, cry, grow, know better, do better - but most of all be closer to God.

For the longest time I have sat on dreams, slept on goals waiting for a platform, a pulpit, heck even people to move on a project.  I think it comes a time in life when God says, “Enough is enough.”  Sitting and sleeping on Him causes us to sacrifice time, energy, experiences and ultimately, LIFE.  But why are we sacrificing life if Jesus already did that for us!?

So after much prayer, devotion and quality time with the Holy Spirit I have surrendered; obedience is better than sacrifice.  This certainly isn’t about reaching a destination, but experiencing God in the journey.  So…

We let go of our fear and grab our faith…

We release anxiety and reach for ambition…

We drop the lusts of the world and turn to the Love of THE One that makes us whole.

I pray this journey brings you much joy, clarity and peace.